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CHAPEL HILL, NC – The University is required to report cases on and around the geographic area of UNC-Chapel Hill, but students and faculty remain confused as to who handles crime reports in the town. A member of the Chapel Hill Police Department clarified when and where the CHPD steps in and when it’s up to UNC PD.

He said it mostly boils down to geography. All 9-1-1 calls go to the Orange County Emergency Communications center before being dispatched to the appropriate authority.

Anything that occurs on-campus falls under the jurisdiction of the UNC police, and anything outside goes to the Chapel Hill police.

But this isn’t a hard and fast rule. The police departments work together on many cases relating to traffic. Sometimes, Chapel Hill PD asks UNC PD to step in if an incident occurs near campus and CHPD can’t arrive on the scene promptly.

If you dial 911 off-campus or have an incident on Franklin Street, you will likely be met by Chapel Hill Police. But cross the street, and it becomes a UNC problem.

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