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CHAPEL HILL, NC – Carolina students are approaching midterm season. However, around this time last year, UNC’S campus was a different environment.

Last fall semester students experienced a mental health crisis. there were three suicides and two suicide attempts recorded by UNC police. students were grieving and in turn, a minimum of two wellness days were given by UNC administration. 

Former student body president, Lamar Richards tweeted 

“We are not machines with on and off switches” 

 Taft Stevens discusses what kinds of efforts the student government association putting forth to ensure mental health and student wellness are a priority. 

“The main initiatives we’re working on or programming we’re trying to start happening this year is collectively the mental health reform. We’re doing a hiring program with caps, we’re changing the heels care network, making sure it’s more accessible and easier to use, more inclusive to all different kinds of resources on campus…”

 Taft Stevens, Executive Director of SGA Student Wellness

If you or someone you know is interested in utilizing the resources from the counseling and psychological services – go to other resources include UNC’s mental health resource hub which can be found online at The UNC school of medicine also has a mental health and wellness program page

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