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CHAPEL HILL, NC – Doug Shackelford announced in a business school internal zoom meeting he would step down effective Monday, September 19. Shackelford did not mention the lawsuit during his video message.

In a news release on his retirement, the university emphasized the school’s record enrollments in undergraduate business, Master of Accounting, and MBA programs in fall 2020. According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek’s b-school diversity index, the school ranks 61 out of 81 MBA programs.

After 32 years on faculty, eight of those as the dean of the business school, the UNC alumnus said he is stepping away “after much reflection…and the decision has not been easy.” The school’s officials declined Carolina week’s request for the video of Shackelford’s announcement on zoom.

UNC launches a nationwide search for Shackelford’s successor and will appoint an interim dean this week.

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