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CHAPEL HILL, NC – On Thursday, August 25, during a statewide enforcement operation, ALE special agents working in Chapel Hill developed reasonable suspicion that Alexander Sumner, 20, of New York, had illegally purchased malt beverages from Tar Heel Station.

The special agents identified themselves and asked to see Sumner’s identification. Sumner refused to stop or comply with any instructions given by ALE and pulled away from agents multiple times. Due to Sumner’s continued resistance, the agents notified Sumner he was under arrest and placed him on the ground in order to apply handcuffs . Sumner did not report any injuries, and the agents did not observe any injuries to Sumner.

 As a result of the encounter, a fraudulent identification and malt beverages were seized as evidence. Sumner was charged with resist, delay and obstruct a law enforcement officer, possession of a fraudulent identification, purchase of alcoholic beverages with a fraudulent identification, and underage possession of malt beverages.

This use of force, as with all uses of force, will be documented and reviewed by both supervision and a use of force review board.

Throughout last night’s operation, ALE special agents seized 22 fraudulent identifications and various illegal controlled substances around ABC-permitted businesses in Chapel Hill.

During one interaction, ALE special agents stopped a vehicle leaving an ABC store with numerous underage occupants. As a result, special agents seized 24 bottles of spiritous liquor from the vehicle.

Three businesses were found in violation of ABC laws and regulations. An underage patron was sold alcoholic beverages at Buena Vibra NC; an underage employee was found in possession of a fraudulent identification and consuming alcoholic beverages while performing services at Still Life Chapel Hill; and an employee at GoodFellows illegally possessed spiritous liquor on the licensed premises and was found to be consuming alcoholic beverages while performing services for the business.

This was part of a statewide enforcement project and the news release for the overall operation can be found here.

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