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The Meantime Coffee Company co-founders (L-R): Scott Diekema ’19, Keegan McBride, and Lauren Eaves ’18

The Meantime Coffee Co. co-founders Lauren Eaves ’18 and Scott Diekema ’19 were the latest guests on Innovate Carolina’s podcast On the Heels of Innovation. During the episode, the CUBE alumni discussed their Campus Y roots, dedication to social impact, and belief in the shop’s growing community. Read the episode description below and click here to listen.

Baristas and Builders: The Launch of UNC’s Student-Run Coffee Shop
With Lauren Eaves and Scott Diekema, Co-Founders of The Meantime Coffee Co.

When a small group of UNC students team set out to launch a full-service, student-run coffee shop on campus, there were a lot of days they thought it would never happen. Hear about the entrepreneurial path these students traveled to get their idea off the ground. What was hardest about learning to operate a business? Why are they are big believers in organizational values? And how are they handling change management?

Inspired by the idea that UNC faculty and students should have a way of spending money on campus that goes directly back to the campus, co-founders Lauren Eaves and Scott Diekema share insights into creating, launching and running this popular, campus coffee shop. Learn how The Meantime motivates its team to meet the mission and vision of the organization, all while creating professional development for students.

Hear personal stories, lessons learned and how they used challenges and roadblocks to make an impact on campus and beyond.

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