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The Campus Y celebrates the life of Joel Joseph Schwartz. Schwartz served on the Campus Y advisory board, and, along with his wife Myrna, was a longtime friend to the Campus Y. The Y has received generous support through the Joel and Myrna Schwartz Fund. Throughout his adult life, in both his professional and personal activities, Joel was a passionate advocate for those who were marginalized by society, bringing attention to their challenges through his teaching and service. He also honored those who helped his immigrant ancestors when they came to the United States as refugees by working to assist refugees who arrived to our shores during his lifetime. Read more here.

The Campus Y also honors the life of Ed Schultz, the namesake of the Campus Y Ed Schultz Reserve Fund, which provides support to the Y’s core program activities across the entire organization – public service locally and overseas, social entrepreneurship, and advocacy. Schultz’s career took him from quarterbacking at a Minnesota college to national radio and television, including hosting “The Ed Show” on MSNBC. Read more here.

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