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Campus Y End-of-Year Celebration: A Big Hit

UNC seniors, families, and alumni gathered in the Anne Queen Lounge on May 7th to commemorate their time spent in the Campus Y. Director of Alumni Engagement Sean Petersen and Y Director Richard Harrill thanked them for their hours of service to the organization and its members. Several seniors shared … Read more

Former Gapper Sells Pupusas to Create Scholarships for Undocumented Students

Global Studies major Cecilia Polanco (‘16) and her CUBE venture, So Good Papusas, made headlines last week on the Carolina Arts and Sciences’ website. The article details the young entrepreneur’s journey to creating a sustainable business in Chapel Hill. Cecilia’s goal for her family-run business is to use the profits … Read more

Campus Y releases 2015 annual report

Please find our 2015 annual report here.

Campus Y leaders honored with prestigious prizes for public service

On April 20, 2016, UNC honored its most outstanding students for both their academic achievements and their exceptional leadership on-campus and in the community. Among the Chancellor’s Awards winners this past Wednesday were six Campus Y Executive Board members and committee co-chairs. Earlier this month, five members of the Campus … Read more

Stomping Out the Stereotypes

As does anyone who is not a white heterosexual male, women face stigmas and stereotypes in our society. Those stereotypes can manifest themselves through various ethnic, social, sex, gender, and class issues. Socially ingrained presumptions affect all aspects of women’s lives, from the workplace to the familial and romantic relationships. … Read more

Black Liberation Teach-In Series Presents: Afrofuturism

For this event, UNC Black Liberation decided to go with the title This World Ain’t Our Home: Afro-Futurist Galaxies of Black Art and Thought. As someone who knew very little of Afrofuturism, I was interested to see exactly how the event unfolded, and I was not disappointed. To begin, the … Read more

The Power of Social Media

As protesters gather in the streets, from Ferguson to Chapel Hill, it seems increasingly evident that we are on the cusp of another Civil Rights Movement, a “Third Reconstruction” as Reverend Barber calls it. One of the greatest tools activists can use is social media. This unprecedented way to transform … Read more

Punishment and Privatization: Debunking the Prison Industrial Complex

Over the past week, the Criminal Justice Awareness and Action committee put on several events for their Criminal Justice Reform Advocacy week. Many students may have seen the replica solitary confinement cell in the pit last week; that was part of CJAA’s program, which also included a one-woman show on … Read more

Socioeconomic Status and its Impact on Education

On Tuesday, HYPE – which stands for Helping Youth by Providing Enrichment – had a general body meeting during which Kari Kozlowski, a sociology doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina, came to speak about socioeconomic status and how it impacts students throughout their educational careers. The meeting was … Read more

Would You Want to Know If There is a Nazi in the Room?

Last Thursday, Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), visited UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus to discuss issues surrounding freedom of speech on college campuses. In his talk, he discussed how various college campuses are increasingly having speech codes for what is allowed to be said on … Read more
