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Sophia Hutchens (’20) graduated this May from UNC with degrees in Communication Studies and Anthropology. In addition to her role as Co-Director of Communication for the Campus Y, Hutchens was the program assistant for the Southern Oral History Program (SOHP), which conducts original research on the history and culture of the American South.

Inspired by her social justice work for the Campus Y, Hutchens used the SOHP database to create and lead a walking tour highlighting the voices and experiences of queer people and women of color connected to the university since its founding in 1789. Hutchens hopes that people came away from the tour with a better understanding of the variety of experiences and challenges that women have faced at UNC.

Post-graduation, you can find Hutchens continuing to explore the power of public history as the Editorial Coordinator for the SOHP and as a Program and Fundraising Associate for the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice.

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