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Dear Campus Y students,

We hope that you are making it a priority to care for yourself and others at this time. While we miss being back in community with you all this week, we recognize the importance of social distancing as an act of radical communal empathy and want to reiterate UNC’s request that students DO NOT RETURN TO CAMPUS this week. Although campus residence halls and services remain open for students who have a hardship or depend on Campus Health as their only source of primary care, we strongly urge anyone for whom these conditions do not apply to stay home.

Additionally, we’d like to remind committees that the University has cancelled all campus events involving more than 50 attendees. We strongly suggest that you postpone or cancel upcoming in-person events and activities – no matter the size. For these reasons, we will no longer be accepting new room reservation requests at this time.

Beginning the week of March 16th, the Campus Y building will be closed to the public. Our work will look different in the coming weeks, but Campus Y staff and student leaders are working remotely and still available to connect with and support you via email and/or Zoom:

Everyone is encouraged to stay updated on recent developments. We will continue to evaluate the situation and provide updates regarding the Campus Y space as necessary.

In solidarity,
Campus Y Staff and Co-Presidents

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