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UNC seniors, families, and alumni gathered in the Anne Queen Lounge on May 7th to commemorate their time spent in the Campus Y. Director of Alumni Engagement Sean Petersen and Y Director Richard Harrill thanked them for their hours of service to the organization and its members. Several seniors shared closing thoughts and memories of the Y, all with the common theme that political engagement and social movements should not stop after college. Everyone agreed that the Y was as defining experience in their lives of purpose.

The graduating seniors were joined by members of the class of 1966, including a former Campus Y co-president, Eunice Benton, who shared her memories of being one of the few female student leaders on campus at the time. Other members of the class of 1966 commented on the change in political climate at the University, and how despite changes in issues, the need for student action has remained consistently urgent throughout the years. Both graduating seniors and members of the class of 1966 were presented with Y pins as small tokens of gratitude for their dedication to the Campus Y.

The commencement ceremony was a tremendous example of the kind of community the Campus Y cultivates, in which members across generations can come together to celebrate this organization, which holds a special place in all of their hearts. The Y is immensely thankful for our past alumni and extends special well wishes to our graduating seniors, who will be missed next year.

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