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Emily Venturi Named Schwarzman Scholar

December 11, 2018

Congratulations to Emily Venturi, a 2018 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Campus Y alum, who has been selected for the Schwarzman Scholars program. This innovative master’s degree program supports study at China’s prestigious Tsinghua … Read more

Global Spotlight: Amy Dingler

November 26, 2018

Amy Dingler spent a year before college volunteering abroad through UNC’s Global Gap Year Fellowship as a teacher, hospice worker, and marine ecologist before stepping onto campus as a Covenant Scholar and Bonner Leader. Discover how these diverse global service … Read more

CUBE Alum Honored for Community Service

November 20, 2018

UNC-Chapel Hill student Anum Imran has been recognized for outstanding leadership and service by North Carolina Campus Compact, a statewide network of colleges and universities with a shared commitment to civic engagement. Imran is a recipient of the network’s Community … Read more

Leadership Spotlight: Courtney Staton

November 19, 2018

Throughout her Carolina career, Courtney Staton has applied her curiosity and creativity to combatting injustice in the community. Learn how her experience as a photographer, spoken word artist, and her roles as Y co-chair and co-president have fueled her desire … Read more

Phyta Combats Global Warming with Seaweed

November 16, 2018

PHOTO & VIDEO VIA AARON MOGER, UNC.EDU By cultivating seaweed to be used as a sustainable alternative to plastic, the Tar Heels hope to address the increasing effects of climate change head-on. To put their idea into action, Eliza Harrison, … Read more

Advocacy Spotlight: Daron Holman

November 12, 2018

Daron Holman’s deep understanding of public service began as a volunteer in a food pantry in his hometown of Fayetteville, North Carolina. After four years in the Bonner Leader Program at the Campus Y, he was inspired to commit his … Read more

Innovation Spotlight: Phyta

November 5, 2018

Concerned about the environmental impact climate change is having on the state of North Carolina, Eliza Harrison, Lucy Best and Emily Kian are taking the world by storm with their innovative company, Phyta. Learn how these three are creating an … Read more

Jamaica Goes Solar with Past CUBE Venture Partnership

November 2, 2018

Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness revealed his ambitions for the country to reach 50% renewable energy by 2030, up from the official policy of 30%. The aspiration was announced during the commissioning of his government office’s state-of-the-art solar PV array, … Read more