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Alumni Spotlight: Thomas Mayo (’79)

March 28, 2022 • dlovere • No Comments
Thomas Mayo (’79) poses for a photo with his sons.

Thomas Mayo graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1979 as a Morehead-Cain Scholar. During his time at the Campus Y, he was involved in a tutoring program in local schools, a part of the Y Cabinet, and Co-President of the Y his senior year.

After graduating from Carolina, Thomas worked in the banking and insurance industries for the first thirty plus years of his career before finally moving into education fundraising for his secondary school alma mater, Culver Academies.

When asked how his time in the Campus Y influenced his career path after graduating from Carolina, Thomas talked about how the idea of service and social consciousness has stayed with him ever since he graduated from UNC. He says that the biggest thing he’s learned from the Campus Y is that you can make a difference on a community level. “You don’t have to lead a political party or a country or a city or a state to be of service. Whatever you do in service of humanity counts as far as I’m concerned.” Thomas says.

“I think that you always need a conscious and, as an organization, [the Campus Y] serves as the moral compass of campus…I don’t think the Campus Y will ever be unnecessary…we’re always discovering ways where we can be better as a community and a society. For example, the idea of social entrepreneurship didn’t exist 20 years ago.” Thomas says. “[The Campus Y] is a revolution of how we look at and do things that help our community greatly. When I see the Campus Y supporting efforts like that, it makes me happy.”

Today, Thomas lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife and two sons. He enjoys all forms of fitness from yoga to golf.

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