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If you could dedicate a year between your sophomore and junior years to do public service where would you go? What would you do?

In partnership with Meantime Coffee Co., the Campus Y is proud to support two Bridge Year Fellows for the 2020-2021 school year. Meet them below!

Justis Malker | U.S. History and Statistics double major

Justis Malker recently completed his second year at UNC-Chapel Hill where he is studying History, Statistics, and African American studies. During his time at UNC, Justis has been involved with UNC Cypher (a freestyle rap group), Student Hip Hop Organization (SHHO), Black Student Movement (BSM), and the Campus Y’s CUBE 5.0 Cohort. Justis’ passions lie in culture, art, sports, politics, and the interplay between these four areas of interest. He is particularly interested in and passionate about social justice and education inequalities. During his bridge year, Justice hopes to expand his personal horizons while experiencing and learning from different cultures. Justis is currently exploring service placement options with 826LA, Die Jim Crow, Prison Library Project, and Homeboy Industries.

I recognize that I’m not going to be able to change the world during my bridge year. Instead, I’m working towards planting seeds. During my travels, I hope I can help people plant seeds that will allow their communities grow and prosper. And I hope to also plant lots of new seeds in my mind and bring back fresh ideas and perspectives to the Carolina community.  – Justis Malker

Tushar Varma | Advertising & Public Relations major

Tushar Varma completed his second year at UNC-Chapel Hill and intends to graduate in 2023 from the Hussman School of Journalism & Media with a degree in Advertising/Public Relations, and with minors in Anthropology and Studio Art. During the first half of his Carolina experience, Tushar was heavily engaged with the Carolina International Relations Association, a nonprofit organization with a focus in spreading educational opportunities regarding international politics and engagement to high-school and college students. Tushar has also been working closely with CUBE, a social entrepreneurship innovator housed in the Campus Y. In his free time, Tushar is usually painting or learning about a new creative platform.

Tushar is passionate about equality in youth education and wants to explore this while abroad. During his Bridge Year, Tushar plans on volunteering organizations that help him better understand the world outside of what he is comfortable with, rekindling interest in old hobbies, and trying to do something new everyday.

My overarching goal of this bridge year is to remind myself of who I am outside of the academic context. The great thing about UNC is that there’s always something going on and there are so many ways to get involved; but if you don’t pace yourself, this can get really tiring. I’m hoping this year will help me avoid burnout and discover who I am outside of being a student. – Tushar Varma

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