User Stories

As a person considering marriage, I want a way to assess whether my partner and I are ready for marriage so that we can be more confident while making this very life-changing decision.

As a person considering marriage, I want to identify what aspects of my relationship are my partner and I most compatible for, and what aspects we still need to work on so that we can improve upon these issues now instead of encountering them later.

As a person considering marriage, I want to view my compatibility with my partner in a quantifiable way that is backed by research so I can visibly and clearly see the strengths and weaknesses of my relationship.

As a person considering marriage, I want to get recommendations for resources and couples counseling if needed so that we have a course of methods to work on any issues in our relationship.

As a person considering marriage, I want to ensure any private information my partner or I give to an application, especially concerning our relationship, is kept secure so that our private information is not leaked.