1. Treat each other with respect at all times. (Through email, text, and speech)
  2. Show up on time to team meetings. If one can’t attend, send a text describing why. Other members catch that member up ASAP via text.
  3. Use the team group chat on Messages app for general questions and updates. When paired programming, schedule with your partner in a private DM.
  4. Hold yourself accountable as well as your team members during worktime and when preparing for deadlines.
  5. If a member consistently misbehaves or misses team meetings/paired programming times, that member shall meet with the team upon the request of the three other members to discuss the issue and devise a solution. If after this meeting that member continues to fall short, he/she will be reported the Comp 523 coach and instructor.
  6. Team members shall comment their code and adhere to the common Java, Python, TypeScript coding styles while coding. Before code is merged into the final product, a team member will review the code to make sure it is clean an polished.