Technical Overview

Before “I Do” is a React-Native app that can be run on iOS and Android. The data is stored in a Firebase Firestore database, which can be accessed on the web. The app is currently using Firebase’s Spark Plan, which is free, but if an increase in users end up sending more data than what is currently allotted as described here, you can upgrade to the Blaze Plan, which is pay as you go.

Set Up Instructions

1. Download the project repository from GitHub:

Run the following command in your terminal:

git clone

2. Run following command on your machine’s terminal to install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

3. Follow the instructions on the React-Native website to download node and set up your iOS simulator.

4. Open a terminal on your computer and navigate to the “beforeido” folder inside the project. You can do this with Unix/Linux commands, but the most important are “ls” to list the directories, “cd [directory name]” to enter a directory, “cd ..” to move out of a directory. Start the application by running “npm start” in your terminal, then type “i” to open the app on the iOS simulator.

5. In order to see the data collected by the app, log in to the Firebase website, click “Go to console”, and click on the Before “I Do” project. Then navigate to “Firestore” to view the data. For any access issues to the console, please contact us. To add members that can access your Firebase project, hit the settings button next to Project Overview, select “Users and permissions”, then click the “Add member” button.

6. To publish the app onto the App Store, follow the instructions on the React-Native website.