
D4. User Manual

User Documentation Plan

We plan to create a user manual for our primary users, neurosurgeons. We believe a brief user manual would be most effective for a neurosurgeon, who may not have time to sit down and watch a video, and would allow the user to progress at their own speed. The user manual will walk through each step of using the app, including how to download and begin to use the app, how to upload a CT scan, where to position the phone in relation to the patient’s head, and what each tab in the app does. Each step of the user manual will include screenshots of the app to show where users should click and descriptions of each step below the screenshots. Additionally, we plan to include a brief list of FAQs. 

Because our development occurred in a separate repository with simulated data, we will have documentation for how to test/run the algorithms and how to integrate them into an existing system the client may have. We also plan to comment our code well, describing the various inputs and necessary dimensions/sizes of the inputs.

Our User Manual