
D3. Test Plan

Ideal Plan – Unlimited time and resources

  • Unit testing
    • Each function written will have its own set of unit tests, including use and edge cases, to ensure that the behavior of the function and output matches the expected results
  • Integration and systems Testing
    • The dynamic sampling algorithm will be integrated with the CV to ensure that the frequency of scanning is correctly correlated with camera movement and adjusts error levels accordingly
    • Kalman filter will be integrated into the existing repository for the stent tracking device to ensure the Apple Watch is reducing statistical noise to best-case estimate the distance of the stent in hand for the insert angle on the apps screen. 
    • Test Kalman Filter by increasing noise (via rapid hand movements) and comparing the results to non-noised results/results from the app pre-introduction of the Kalman Filter 
  • Descriptions of tools used
    • XCTest will be utilized in Swift to write and implement each unit test
    • Regarding the Kalman filter, we will be creating a View in Swift using Charts in order to ensure and observe that the noise is canceled out, which is indicated by the filter line becoming closer to the input data line on the graph
  • Descriptions of types of End User
    • The primary user is a neurosurgeon that is performing the EVD
  • Performance, reliability, etc. testing
    • First phase:
      • Analyze battery use and GPU impact over a long period of use of the app
      • Have someone wear the watch and analyze the data to ensure that the Kalman filter remains accurate over time
    • Second phase:
      • Have a small number of surgeons wear the watch and utilize the app, without actually using for surgery (monitor battery life and facial scans); have them compare the depth tracking and use of the app to the current neuronavigation system and receive feedback on usability, reliability, and practicality
  • Acceptance testing
    • Meet with client to guarantee that all specifications are met based on the progress of our code
    • Have a small number of skilled, experienced surgeons utilize the app during a controlled surgery environment, not fully relying on the app

Current Plan

  • Unit testing:
    • We’ll be fully implementing the unit testing plan that we laid out in the ideal plan
  • Integration and system testing
    • Due to the client’s wishes and designated tasks, we will not be integrating the system into the actual existing project
  • Descriptions of Tools used
    • As mentioned in the ideal plan, we will be using XCTest and Charts to ensure correct results from our written functions
  • Description of types of End User
    • The end user is the neurosurgeon performing the EVD procedure
  • Performance, reliability, etc. testing
    • Analyze Charts View and stored performance data to observe frequency change (dynamic sampling) and accuracy (Kalman filter)
  • Acceptance testing
    • Meet with client to guarantee that all specifications are met based on the progress of our code