
D1. Specifications

User Stories

As a neurosurgeon, I want to ensure continuous functionality of the app and maintain high quality performance so that the potential disruptions caused by low battery levels do not compromise patient care and safety throughout the surgical procedure.

As a neurosurgeon, I want to have precise spatial awareness and position accuracy of my instrument in real time so that it can minimize the margin for error and enhance surgical accuracy.

As a patient, I want to view a smooth functioning application so that I can feel assured and confident in the medical process.



  • Definite
    • Users must be able to utilize the app without overloading their phone’s GPU and detrimentally draining battery life.
    • Dynamic Sampling of TrueDepth data to provide continuous tracking
  • Perhaps
    • Update the target location based on the dynamic sampling re-registration
  • Improbable
    • Implement User Authentication for security purposes.


  • Definite
    • Improve the tracking of surgical instrument following optimized Kalman Filter tracking using Apple Watch data
  • Perhaps
    • Update the alignment UI components based on the tracked location of the surgical instrument
    • Ensure the application honors patient rights, is secure and is HIPAA compliant.
  • Interfaces – The interface for this application was developed by the client. We will need our work to fit into the existing software.