
Handoff Plan and Videos

Delivering the Product

Our product is split into two key parts, a dynamic sampling algorithm and a 3-D multivariate Kalman Filter. Both have been implemented in general terms in playground files within Swift. We are currently testing both to make sure they are up to par. We have shared our GitHub repository with our client from the start and have continuously informed him of progress updates. He’ll be able to pull directly from the repository, but if needed, we can send the file to him through another downloadable form (most likely through a zipped file over email). 

Installing the Product

Within the repository exists two separate swift playground files, respectively labeled after each key component. These files are composed of the primary function, some tests, and accompanying graphs to backup the tests. They can be opened instantly with XCode. The client will be able to copy the code from these files, and integrate the functions as he sees fit into his product. He has made it clear he doesn’t want us to do any integration, but will demonstrate to us how it fits into his codebase after he implements it so we can see where all our hard work is being used. Due to this lack of integration on our end, there is not much installation that needs to be done – it’s mainly just downloading and opening. 

Client Discussion

We plan to keep open channels of communication with our client after the end of the semester. We will be free to answer any questions he has on the product, installation, or documentation.

Handoff Videos


Dynamic Sampling:



Kalman Filter Playground: