D1: Specifications

DreamScape will be a mobile application that walks users through the data collection process (connecting the headband and such), collects/stores the data, and returns an analysis of it including images from the patient’s dreams.

User Stories

Personas: Caregiver, Admin

  • As a caregiver, I want to view an image of the patient’s dream so that I can discuss it with the patient.
  • As a caregiver, I want to upload the patient’s data from the Muse headset so that I can view an image of their dream.
  • As a caregiver, I want to view an archive of the patient’s dreams from previous nights so that I can discuss them with the patient.
  • As a caregiver, I want to login to my patient’s account so that I can use this application.
  • As a caregiver, I want to create an account on behalf of my patient so that I can use this application with them.
  • As a caregiver, I want to view generated scores of my patient’s metrics as related to mood, cognition, etc so that we can discuss these metrics together.
  • As a caregiver, I want to have a walkthrough on how to use the Muse headset to collect data so that I can easily understand how to use this application.
  • As an admin, I want to see every patient’s history.
  • As an admin, I want to see general trends and metrics from all patients.
  • As an admin, I want to login to an admin view of the application so that I can access every patient’s metrics and history.
  • As an admin, I want to be able to export patient data.


Functional Requirements


  • Native app processes upload
    • Loading / processing state
    • Generated scores of different metrics as related to mood, cognition etc
    • ChatGPT-generated stable diffusion image prompt, based on metrics
    • A stable diffusion-generated (positive vibes) image with a short analysis (by ChatGPT) of how the image reflects the brain activity


  • Generated probabilities of different topics the person might be thinking about / focused on (exercise, games, math, music, childhood, etc.)
  • Generated video / motion picture from the generated image (runway.ml)
  • Generated audio, either to further immersion into the dream, or to narrate the explanation (Make An Audio)

Non-Functional Requirements


  • Muse export and upload to web app
  • A nice, attractive UI


  • A way to connect the muse via bluetooth to our native app, and then stream upload the brainwave activity
  • A way to publicly share the results of an analysis session