D4. User Manual

User Documentation

  • The primary users of our project are anyone in the general public that wants to be sustainable. There is no standard of skill level that the user should have, so all users should be able to easily know and understand how to use the app. We believe that our users find this application to be self-explanatory without a lot of additional documentation. 
  • The following documentation will be provided for users:
    • Help/tutorial page on app
      • There will be a tutorial page a user will be redirected to when a user first registers and this page will be able to be accessed by itself for any registered user. 
  • The EgoGreen app serves as a location where users have hands-on interaction with the product and can access the help page. The “login” and “dashboard” page displays information. However, the “help” page provides information on how to use the application.

Administrator Documentation

  • The admin documentation is meant for the employees of Sustainible. We will still be sending our documentation to Talpha Harris & K-Andre Harris, the CEO and the lead frontend developer. K-Andre will be in charge of the upkeep of the project with room for more employees to get access and maintain it.
  • The following documentation will be provided for administrators:
    • Video
      • We will guide our client on how to navigate the GitHub organization and clone the project repo
      • Additionally, we will guide the client on how to navigate through our file system and a brief overview about the purpose of each file
    • README.md
      • Includes high-level overview of app functionality 
      • Links to Admin manual
        • Admin manual
          • Installation
            • Written instructions for installation (including terminal commands) for Windows and macOS
          • Break down codebase by functionality
            • i.e. refer to ___ files for authentication purposes, etc.
              • API reference
          • How to emulate the application on an Android and iOS simulator 
      • Account Access
        • Firebase Ownership
        • GitHub repo
        • APIs
          • Talpha already has Taggun and OpenAI
          • Introduce Bend.green contact to Talpha.

User Manual

Admin Manual

Handoff Plan

Our client will receive access to the following:

  • Firebase – database ownership and current admin side of the application
  • GitHub – organization access to the application code base
  • Host Node Instance – Access to Deployed hosted Node Application

Instructions for Setting up Locally

Currently, our developers use Visual Studio Code as the integrated development environment that the application runs and is developed on. Developers are able to choose the environment they are familiar with or want to explore. However, we will walk through how to set up your codebase in a way that you can access and maintain it in Visual Studio Code. This is mainly for development purposes (i.e. you, or a technical team of yours, wants to add/edit/delete features). If you don’t plan to code, you will NOT need to complete these items. However, we will invite talpha@sustainible.io or dre@sustainible.io to join and admin the Github organization. You will need this account to access the source code.

Clone the Repository into a Local development platform (VS Code)

  • Navigate to the GitHub link for the sustainability tracker. Click on the green “Code” button and copy the HTTPS repo URL.
  • Open a Terminal window 
  • Navigate into the folder where you would like to store the repository using cd commands and if necessary, create a folder (you can also find the folder in the “Finder” application and copy the source path)
  • Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code
  • Type “git clone” into the terminal and then paste the URL into the command line
  • Hit enter and the repository will be locally stored on your machie ne
  • Alternatively, you can use the Github Desktop Application to avoid using the command line interface

Set Up / Run Code

  1. In the terminal, navigate into the root folder of the directory with the cd command (ex: cd egogreen-node)
  2. Run npm install
  3. To set up the Node.js module, run the command npm start in the terminal
  4. Follow the NativeScript documentation to install the NativeScript command line interface [https://docs.nativescript.org/setup/macos
  5. To ensure that you have all the dependencies installed properly, run ns doctor
    • To update any components if necessary, run ns install ___ or ns update ____ 
  6. To run the application on an emulator on your device, run ns run android or ns run ios 
  7. To quit in the terminal, press  Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac)

Firebase Access

We will invite talpha@sustainible.io or dre@sustainible.io to be owners of the firebase egogreen project where they will have access to the database that stores user information. 

Technical Description

This application is a stand-alone application that can be copied to a local machine and compiled. The instructions on what resources the host system must have and how to copy the application to a local machine are located above in the “Set Up / Run Code” section of the hand-off plan. 

Ongoing Costs

  • Taggun API $0.04 per call or $4.00 per month
  • OpenAI is currently covered by Azure grant
  • NodeJS instance hosting  @ $10.00 / month or less (maybe Azure)
  • Currently, Firebase uses a no-cost plan (Spark). As use increases, Firebase may require the plan to change to a pay-as-you-go plan (Blaze).

Discuss With Your Client

  • API cost when the application runs into increased traffic
  • Adding application to the App Store for both Android and iOS (as part of a later process)

Hand Off Video

The hand off video can be found here.