APPLES Reflection

Our project is an app called Ego Green, which is a sustainability tracker. This app is designed for users to track their carbon emissions through their receipts so that they can both know how much carbon emissions their purchases are currently emitting and begin to start lowering their emission output as a whole. Users will be able to set personal goals in relation to sustainability and lowering their carbon emission output as a way to encourage good sustainability practices. To implement this, we will be using a few APIs and AI that will allow users to be able to receive a total and individual amount for their total logged carbon emission outputs.

The company that we are working with is Sustainible. Sustainible strives to help users to monitor their environmental practices and contribution to sustainability. Given that carbon emissions are directly correlated to global climate change, this is an important issue to focus on. More than 30 billion tons of carbon emissions are emitted every year. With the population rapidly growing, so will this carbon emission rate. If we aren’t aware and focused in the problem, it would get more out of control than it already is and lead to an unsustainable way of life for the future.

With our app, we can begin the process of starting to be more sustainable in our everyday life. By allowing users to track their emissions and set up their own personal goals, we can put the focus on the individual which will allow us to help the rest of the world as the users work on personally decreasing their carbon emission output.