Ego Green is a cross platform mobile application aimed to combat unsustainable environmental practices at the consumer level.

Ego Green is a cross platform mobile-app targeted to those who are interested in monitoring their environmental practices and contribution to sustainability. In its initial iteration, the goal of the application was to monitor daily sustainability practices by making estimates on the client’s carbon footprint – based on input data. As the project progressed, the Ego Green application has evolved to now utilize user-inputted receipt data from grocery stores. Using the power of Microsoft’s OpenAI API, users will receive a carbon emission output from their collective store purchase. The intent of this score is so that users get a better understanding of their environmental impact and start taking the steps to reduce their carbon footprint for the better. With this app, we aim to give users relevant information and the ability to increase their sustainability practices so that they can create a more sustainable world for all.

The work from this project is driven by Sustainible, a start-up company that focuses on business health. Other than business health, the founder of Sustainible, Talpha Harris, also has a passion in environmental health. With Ego Green, she hopes to bridge the gap between the consumer and conscious environmental sustainability practices.

A https://sustainible.io/ project by UNC CH COMP 523 – Team J